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David miracle o.

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The Nigerian youth have a great opportunity available to them: to master at least one tech skill and become certified in it. Now more than ever, it's time for the Nigerian youth to take advantage of this opportunity and capitalize on their abilities like the Indians the leaders in the tech industry.

The tech industry is booming, and there are more opportunities than ever before. By learning and becoming certified in tech skills, Nigerian youth can become self-sufficient and contribute to the growth and development of Nigeria's economy.

Not only that, mastering a tech skill and becoming certified in it can also help to combat illegal activities and create a better society. In fact, if you look at the backgrounds of the CEOs of some of the biggest tech companies, you'll see that many of them come from humble beginnings.

This is a great reminder that, with hard work and dedication, anyone can make a success of themselves in the tech industry. It is our belief that Nigeria's youth can and should be empowered to do the same. 

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