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David miracle o.

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One of the things you will learn is about the day-to-day responsibilities of a web developer and get a general understanding of the core and underlying technologies that power the internet. So, here are the common roles of a web developer:

  1. Website Creator: A web developer’s primary responsibility is writing code to create a website.
  2. Website Designer: Web developers also work with designers to get the desired visual results of the website.
  3. Website Testing, Maintenance and Support: Web developers must check their websites regularly in order to catch errors early and disseminating updates to keep the website running efficiently.
  4. Database Manager: Web developers are responsible for creating, maintaining, and managing databases.

Web Developer Responsibilities

  • You will be responsible for creating, testing, and maintaining websites for clients. This job typically requires the ability to use HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, and other relevant programming languages.
  • You will also be required to present design specs, troubleshoot website problems and bugs, and monitor website traffic. Working with graphics and other designers is also part of the job.Maintaining and updating websites
  • Monitoring website traffic
  • Staying up-to-date on technology in general

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